Keeping your pet clean is an important part of being a good pet parent. For dog owners, bath time might cause additional tension and worry for both of you, depending on your dog’s disposition. It’s also possible to have plumbing issues as a result of dealing with the fur that washes down the drain. There is no need to make bath time with your pet a hectic disaster that results in a blocked bathtub drain! Take a look at these pointers for a stress-free and pleasurable time in the tub with your dog.

Dog Bathing in the Bathtub: Step-by-Step Instructions

Because of the limited area, it may be stressful for both you and your dog to give your dog a wash in this manner. So, take a deep breath, relax, and accept that things may get messy before you begin. Because dogs can pick up on your emotions, being calm can benefit both you and your pet. Here are a few more dog bathing techniques to help you and your pet get through the procedure more quickly.

  • You should gather all of your supplies before getting your dog wet. The supplies you’ve obtained should be accounted for as quickly as possible. Dog shampoo and towels are essential as well as a few goodies (don’t forget the snacks). After a successful wash, reward your dog by giving them a treat. This will help them associate the experience with a pleasant outcome. When the bathtub is switched on, they won’t panic.
  • Brushing Your Dog On a Regular Basis If you brush your dog on a regular basis, there will be less loose hair for you to deal with when it is time to bathe your dog. The less loose hair they have, the less fur will be lost down the drain when they take a bath. It should be a routine for you to brush your dog around 15–30 minutes before giving them a bath. This is a wonderful chance for the two of you to spend quality time together and unwind. The technique will also make it somewhat simpler to clean up after itself.
  • Method for Applying Shampoo After thoroughly bathing your dog, begin applying a lather of shampoo by beginning at the dog’s neck and working your way all the way down to the dog’s tail and toes. If you begin the soapy wall at the dog’s neck, it will prevent fleas and ticks from moving into the head and ears of your pet. When we talk about your dog’s head, one important thing to remember is to keep soap and water out of their eyes, nose, and ears. No one likes getting soap in their eyes when taking a bath, and shaving soap and water on their face at the same time may cause them to feel even more stressed. In addition, you should avoid getting water in a dog’s ear at all costs. Because dogs have larger ear canals, it might be difficult to completely drain all of the water from their ears if they get contaminated with water. There is a potential for a health problem to arise if water is allowed to linger in your dog’s ears. Therefore, use extreme caution while soaping the region around your dog’s head and neck.
  • Towel Shake Shield: The majority of canines do not want to be wet for an extended period of time, so you should get ready for the inevitable shaking-off that is going to occur. Between the steps of soaping and washing your dog, as well as soon after you finish rinsing them, put an additional towel over their back. Doing so will prevent your dog from soaking you while you are doing this routine. You may start drying their face and paws with another towel as soon as they have had a good shake or two, but you will need to grab a bath for yourself first.

How Warm Should the Water Be for Bathing a Dog?

Because your dog is unable to communicate with you about whether the water is too hot or too cold, you will need to use sound discretion as a pet parent. When washing a dog, lukewarm water is often recommended as the optimal temperature. Not only is it more agreeable for your pet to be bathed in either hot or cold water, but it is also the ideal water temperature for removing soap residue and loosening dirt from the hair at the same time. If you have a little dog, you should make every effort to dry it off as quickly as you can so that it doesn’t get too chilly.

How to Clean Your Dog and What to Use

You should pick a shampoo for your dog that is suited to the requirements of your dog’s skin and coat, just as you would select a shampoo that is suited to the requirements of your own hair type. There are shampoos available for pets that are formulated particularly for the different sorts of dog coats and breeds. Even shampoos specifically formulated for dogs’ skin issues are already on the market. If you are unclear about which option is best for your dog, you should see your veterinarian to get a recommendation or prescription for the medication that will work best for your pet.

How Frequently Should You Bathe Your Dog?

The average dog only has to be bathed once a month, however, this number might vary greatly depending on how and where the dog plays. Some canines may even spend many months without needing to be washed. It truly depends on the kind of skin your dog has, the length of their hair, and the amount of time they spend playing outdoors in the dirt. Dryer skin may need fewer baths as opposed to oilier or more wrinkled skin, which may require more regular grooming. In addition, it’s possible that dogs with long hair may need to have their fur washed more often in order to get rid of fleas and ticks. Obviously, a simple visual examination is also valid. You may need to start using the bubble bath sooner than usual if your pet has been playing outdoors for a lengthy amount of time or if it tends to become filthy more often.

How to Keep Dog Hair from Obstructing Drains and Other Plumbing

Before you bathe your dog, no matter how well you brush him or her, there will still be hair. These are a few strainers that may assist make cleaning a bit simpler and help you avoid the terrifying scenario of a blocked drain.

  • Drain Cover: A simple screen that catches hair and slides over most standard drains will cut down on the amount of fur that goes down the drain by a lot. This should make it less likely that a big clog will cause your drain to back up.
  • Pop-up Drain Cover: This cover is made to fit over the bulge of the pop-up drain. Many of them also come with silicone rings that let them fit drains of different sizes. Again, the idea is to make sure that less fur goes down the drain.
  • Linear Shower Drain Hair Catcher: A traditional drain is round, but a linear drain is a long, skinny rectangle. You can still put a hair catcher on a linear drain. The hair catcher should fit over the long, narrow slit and keep most of your pet’s fur from going down the drain.

Drains that Won’t Clear Up? Call the Pros

Keeping your pet clean is part of being a responsible and caring pet owner, but bath time can get a little crazy, especially if your dog doesn’t like water. Even though we try to keep our drains clean, things can still get stuck and cause problems. Whether it’s your hair, your dog’s hair, or something else, your local Elizabeth Drain Service is ready to quickly clear any clogs. Call us at (908) 988-0365 or ask for an estimate online right now.